3. Chaining component analyses#

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Duration: 45 min

In this tutorial we explore the usage of Connections to chain the execution of Components. The example also introduces a finite element analysis specific ‘calculix-fea-comp’ component API.

chained process

3.1. Create the Components#

This example replicates the chained analyses described in Parts 1 and 2 of the Parametric wing model series. We make use of python and the open source software CalculiX GraphiX to create a parametric finite element model of a composite wing subject to a static tip load, which is then analysed using CalculiX CrunchiX.

We show how the previously monolithic python code can be split into discrete and potentially re-usable Components. The details of the python code were previously covered in the videos and associated blog posts (see references 1 and 2).

We group the parametric model analysis processes into three distinct Components as shown in the figure below.


3.1.1. Parametric-model component#

The parametric-model component defines a parametric three-dimensional wing geometry in python. It also outputs meshing instructions for Calculix GraphiX in the .fdb file format.

The component Parameters include the span and chord of the wing, as well as the aerofoil wing cross-section, which is defined by uploading a CSV input file with x and y section coordinates.

Create the component:

  • Right-click in the workspace and select Add Empty Node. Select the empty component to edit it.

  • In the Properties tab, fill in the component name, parametric-model, and select the generic python component API generic-python3-comp:latest.

  • Copy the contents of the setup.py, compute.py, requirements.txt and naca0012.csv files from below into a text editor, save them locally. Then upload the first 3 files under the Properties tab and upload the naca0012.csv under the Parameters tab by selecting upload user input files.

  • In the Properties tab check the box next to the Start Node option.

  • Copy the contents of the parameters JSON object below into the Parameters tab text box.

  • Copy the following JSON object into the Outputs tab text box:

  "files.cgx_file": "default"
  • Select Save data to save and close the component.

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

def setup(
    inputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    outputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    parameters: dict = {
        "user_input_files": [],
        "inputs_folder_path": "",
        "outputs_folder_path": "",
) -> dict:
    """A user editable setup function."""

    response = {}

    # set default inputs
    if inputs:
        for input_key, input_value in inputs["design"].items():
            if input_value == "default":
                    inputs["design"][input_key] = parameters[input_key]
                except Exception as e:
                    print(f"Could not find {input_key} in the input parameters.")
        response["inputs"] = inputs

    message = f"{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}: Setup completed."
    response["message"] = message

    return response
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import csv
from math import ceil
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


def compute(
    inputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    outputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    partials: dict = {},
    options: dict = {},
    parameters: dict = {
        "user_input_files": [],
        "inputs_folder_path": "",
        "outputs_folder_path": "",
) -> dict:

    """Editable compute function."""

    # check input files have been uploaded
    inputs_folder = Path(parameters["inputs_folder_path"])
    if not (inputs_folder / parameters["airfoil_csv_file"]).is_file():
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"{parameters['airfoil_csv_file']} needs to be uploaded by the user."

    print("Starting user function evaluation.")
    component_inputs = parameters  # default values
    run_folder = Path(parameters["outputs_folder_path"])

    if inputs:
        for input_key, input_value in inputs["design"].items():
            component_inputs[input_key] = input_value

    geometry = get_geometry(
        component_inputs, run_folder, inputs_folder, plot_flag=PLOT_FLAG
    cgx_fdb_path = get_cgx_input_file(geometry, component_inputs, run_folder)

    # check output has been saved
    if not cgx_fdb_path.is_file():
        FileNotFoundError(f"{str(cgx_fdb_path)} is not a file.")

    outputs["implicit"]["files.cgx_file"] = cgx_fdb_path.name

    message = f"{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}: Created cgx fdb file {cgx_fdb_path.name} with span {str(component_inputs['span'])}m."

    return {"message": message, "outputs": outputs}

def get_geometry(inputs, run_folder, inputs_folder, plot_flag=False):
    """Translate parameters into geometry description that CGX can understand,
    that's points, lines and surfaces."""

    if "airfoil_cut_chord_percentages" not in inputs:
        inputs["airfoil_cut_chord_percentages"] = None

    aerofoil = _get_aerofoil_from_file(
        Path(inputs_folder, inputs["airfoil_csv_file"]),
    points, seqa, split_points = _get_cgx_points_3d(
        aerofoil, inputs["chord"], inputs["span"]
    lines, rib_surfaces, aero_surfaces, bodies, aero_surfaces_flip = _get_cgx_lines_3d(

    return {
        "aerofoil": aerofoil,
        "points": points,
        "point_seqa": seqa,
        "lines": lines,
        "surfaces": {
            "ribs": rib_surfaces,
            "aero": aero_surfaces,
            "aero_surfaces_flip": aero_surfaces_flip,
        "bodies": bodies,

def get_cgx_input_file(geometry, inputs, folder):
    """Write CGX batch commands to file."""

    fdb_geom_file = folder / "cgx_infile.fdb"

    if "boundary_conditions" in inputs:
        fix_lines = rint(inputs["boundary_conditions"]["fix_lines"])
        loaded_lines = rint(inputs["boundary_conditions"]["loaded_lines"])
        if "loaded_surfaces" in inputs["boundary_conditions"]:
            loaded_surfaces = rint(inputs["boundary_conditions"]["loaded_surfaces"])
            loaded_surfaces = None

        fix_lines = None
        loaded_lines = None
        loaded_surfaces = None

    # create string of all input commands
    cgx_commands = _get_commands(

    # write string of commands to file
    with open(fdb_geom_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

    return fdb_geom_file

########### Private functions that do not get called directly

def rint(items):
    # cover integer values after json import
    return [int(item) for item in items]

def _get_aerofoil_from_file(
    file, plot_flag=True, splitpc=None, pt_offset=6, run_folder=None
    This function reads an aerofoil geometry from csv and calculates tc_max.

        file: file with xy-positions of the airfoil outline in Selig format.
              For example http://airfoiltools.com/airfoil/seligdatfile?airfoil=n0012-il

        airfoil data

    # read aerofoil input file
    airfoil = []
    with open(file, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as infile:
        reader = csv.reader(infile, skipinitialspace=True)
        for row in reader:
    name = airfoil[0]
    coordinates = np.array([string[0].split() for string in airfoil[1:]], dtype=float)

    # replace the last coordinate to close the airfoil at the trailing-edge
    coordinates[-1] = coordinates[0]

    # we assume that there is a [0.0, 0.0] point in the airfoil
    LE_index = np.where(coordinates[:, 0] == 0.0)[0][0]
    leading_edge_pt = LE_index

    splits = []
    if splitpc:
        # check that there are enough points to split the section
        min_points = 100
        if len(coordinates) < min_points:
            raise ValueError(
                "The parameter 'airfoil_cut_chord_percentages' requires "
                f"at least {min_points:d} airfoil spline points in 'airfoil_csv_file'"

        # re-order the pc from TE to LE

        # trim points that are within min number of points form leading or trailing edge
        trimmed_coords = np.hstack(
            [np.array([np.arange(len(coordinates))]).T, coordinates]
        trimmed_coords = np.vstack(
                trimmed_coords[pt_offset : int(LE_index - ceil(pt_offset / 2)), :],
                trimmed_coords[int(LE_index + ceil(pt_offset / 2)) : -pt_offset, :],
        # find two points that match the percentage chord closely
        for split_number, split in enumerate(splitpc):
            point_distances_x = np.abs(trimmed_coords[:, 1] - split / 100)
            pt = {"top": 0, "bot": 0}
            dist_top = point_distances_x[0]
            dist_bot = point_distances_x[-1]
            for index, dist in enumerate(point_distances_x):
                if dist < dist_top and trimmed_coords[index, 2] > 0:
                    pt["top"] = int(trimmed_coords[index, 0])
                    dist_top = dist
                if dist < dist_bot and trimmed_coords[index, 2] < 0:
                    pt["bot"] = int(trimmed_coords[index, 0])
                    dist_bot = dist

            if split_number >= 1:
                # check number of points separating splits
                if (
                    np.abs(pt["top"] - splits[-1]["top"]) < pt_offset
                    or np.abs(pt["bot"] - splits[-1]["bot"]) < pt_offset
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Values {splitpc[split_number-1]} and {split:f} in "
                        "'airfoil_cut_chord_percentages' are too close together."

    if plot_flag:
        plt.plot(coordinates[:, 0], coordinates[:, 1], "-xr")
        if splitpc:
            for split in splits:
                    [coordinates[split["top"], 0], coordinates[split["bot"], 0]],
                    [coordinates[split["top"], 1], coordinates[split["bot"], 1]],
        plt.savefig(str(run_folder / "airfoil_coordinates.png"))

    return dict(

def _get_cgx_points_3d(aerofoil, chord, span):
    """This function generates the CGX input file points and point sequences."""

    if not isinstance(span, list):
        span = [span]
    if not isinstance(chord, list):
        chord = [chord]

    def wing_with_splits(aerofoil, chord, span):
        seqa = []
        starting_y = 0
        pt_counter = 0
        split_points = np.empty((len(aerofoil["splits"]), 2, 0), dtype=int)
        for section_index, length_y in enumerate(span):

            x = aerofoil["coordinates"][:, 0] * chord[section_index]
            z = aerofoil["coordinates"][:, 1] * chord[section_index]

            if section_index == 0:  # only needed at the root of the wing
                y_root = np.ones(x.size) * starting_y
                points = np.vstack([x, y_root, z]).T

            # section tip
            y_tip = np.ones(x.size) * (starting_y + length_y)
            points = np.append(points, np.vstack([x, y_tip, z]).T, axis=0)

            def airfoil_seqa(pt_counter, seqa, all_split_points, x_size):
                # SEQA for first airfoil top splines
                pt = 0
                split_points = []
                for split in aerofoil["splits"]:
                    indices = np.arange(pt_counter + pt + 1, pt_counter + split["top"])
                    pt = split["top"]
                    split_points.append(pt_counter + split["top"])
                # SEQA for first airfoil LE spline
                        pt_counter + pt + 1,
                        pt_counter + aerofoil["leading_edge_pt"],

                if any(aerofoil["splits"]):
                            pt_counter + aerofoil["leading_edge_pt"] + 1,
                            pt_counter + aerofoil["splits"][-1]["bot"],
                    # SEQA for first airfoil bot spline
                    pt = x_size - 1
                    bot_seqa = []
                    for split in aerofoil["splits"]:
                        indices = np.flipud(
                                pt_counter + pt - 1, pt_counter + split["bot"], -1
                        pt = split["bot"]
                        split_points.append(pt_counter + split["bot"])
                    seqa += bot_seqa
                    # all_split_point is nested list of dim 3: aerofoil -> split -> point
                    all_split_points = np.dstack(
                            np.reshape(split_points, (len(aerofoil["splits"]), 2)).T,
                            pt_counter + aerofoil["leading_edge_pt"] + 1,
                            pt_counter + x_size - 2,
                    all_split_points = []

                return seqa, all_split_points

            seqa, split_points = airfoil_seqa(
            if section_index == 0:  # only needed at the root of the wing
                seqa, split_points = airfoil_seqa(
                    pt_counter=pt_counter + x.size,

            starting_y += length_y
            pt_counter = seqa[-1][-1] + 2

        return points, seqa, split_points

    points, seqa, split_points = wing_with_splits(aerofoil, chord, span)

    return points, seqa, split_points

def _get_cgx_lines_3d(
    """This function creates the aerofoil section splines and the spanwise bounding lines in CGX."""

    nele_multiplier = 2  # =2 to account for quadratic elements
    lines = []
    aero_surfaces = []
    aero_surfaces_flip = []
    rib_surfaces = []

    if not isinstance(nele_span, list):
        nele_span = [nele_span]

    if not isinstance(nele_foil, list):
        nele_foil = [nele_foil]

    if not isinstance(filled_sections, list):
        filled_sections = [filled_sections]

    splits = 0
    seqas_per_aerofoil = 2
    if isinstance(split_points, np.ndarray):
        splits = split_points.shape[0]
        seqas_per_aerofoil = splits * 2 + 2
    aerofoils = int(len(seqa) / seqas_per_aerofoil)

    airfoil_index = 0
    lcounter = 0
    for seqa_id, seq in enumerate(seqa):

        # aerofoil lines
                seq[0] - 1,
                seq[-1] + 1,
                int(nele_foil[seqa_id % seqas_per_aerofoil] * nele_multiplier),
        lcounter += 1

        if (seqa_id + 1) % seqas_per_aerofoil == 0:

            if isinstance(split_points, np.ndarray):
                for split_index, split in enumerate(split_points[:, :, airfoil_index]):

                    # aerofoil split lines
                        [split[0], split[1], int(nele_split * nele_multiplier)]
                    lcounter += 1

                    if split_index > 0:
                        # prepare rib surfaces definition
                                lcounter - 1 - seqas_per_aerofoil,
                                lcounter - 1,
                                lcounter - split_index * 2 - 2,
                                -(lcounter - 2),

            # spanwise lines at trailing edge
            if (seqa_id + 1) / seqas_per_aerofoil < aerofoils:

                for te_line_inc in range(seqas_per_aerofoil + 1):
                    if te_line_inc < seqas_per_aerofoil:
                        start_id = seqa_id + 1 - seqas_per_aerofoil + te_line_inc
                        end_id = seqa_id + 1 + te_line_inc
                        side = 0
                        pt_offset = -1
                        start_id = seqa_id - seqas_per_aerofoil + te_line_inc
                        end_id = seqa_id + te_line_inc
                        side = -1
                        pt_offset = 1
                            seqa[start_id][side] + pt_offset,
                            seqa[end_id][side] + pt_offset,
                            int(nele_span[airfoil_index] * nele_multiplier),
                    lcounter += 1

                    if te_line_inc < seqas_per_aerofoil:
                        if te_line_inc < seqas_per_aerofoil / 2:  # top surface
                        else:  # bot surface
                        # prepare aero surfaces definition
                                lcounter - 1 - splits - seqas_per_aerofoil,
                                -(lcounter + seqas_per_aerofoil),
                                -(lcounter - 1),

            airfoil_index += 1

    # check that ptB_id > ptA_id
    if not all([line[0] < line[1] for line in lines]):
        raise ValueError("something has gone wrong in the line definition.")

    # solid bodies
    bodies = []
    for surf_id, _ in enumerate(rib_surfaces[1:]):
        if filled_sections[surf_id]:
            bodies.append([surf_id, surf_id + 1])

    return lines, rib_surfaces, aero_surfaces, bodies, aero_surfaces_flip

def _get_commands(
    def divide_chunks(l, n):
        # looping till length l
        for i in range(0, len(l), n):
            yield l[i : i + n]

    commands = []

    # points
    for entity_id, point in enumerate(geometry["points"]):
            f"PNT P{entity_id:05d} {point[0]:e} {point[1]:e} {point[2]:e}\n"

    commands.append("# =============== \n")
    # point sequences
    for entity_id, points in enumerate(geometry["point_seqa"]):
        commands.append(f"SEQA A{entity_id:05d} pnt ")
        for ii in range(0, len(points), 8):
            line_end = " = \n" if ii + 8 < len(points) else "\n"
                " ".join([f"P{point:05d}" for point in points[ii : ii + 8]]) + line_end

    commands.append("# =============== \n")
    # lines
    for entity_id, line in enumerate(geometry["lines"]):
        if len(line) == 3:  # straight line
                f"LINE L{entity_id:05d} P{line[0]:05d} P{line[1]:05d} {line[2]:d} \n"
        elif len(line) == 4:  # spline
                f"LINE L{entity_id:05d} P{line[0]:05d} P{line[1]:05d} A{line[2]:05d} {line[3]:d} \n"

    commands.append("# =============== \n")
    # surfaces
    rib_ids = []
    for entity_id, surf in enumerate(geometry["surfaces"]["ribs"]):
            f"GSUR V{entity_id:05d} + BLEND "
            + " ".join(
                    f"+ L{np.abs(line):05d}"
                    if np.sign(line) >= 0
                    else f"- L{np.abs(line):05d}"
                    for line in surf
            + "\n"

    aero_ids = []
    flip_surfaces = []
    for counter, surf in enumerate(geometry["surfaces"]["aero"]):
        entity_id = counter + (rib_ids[-1] if rib_ids else -1) + 1
            f"GSUR V{entity_id:05d} + BLEND "
            + " ".join(
                    f"+ L{np.abs(line):05d}"
                    if np.sign(line) >= 0
                    else f"- L{np.abs(line):05d}"
                    for line in surf
            + "\n"
        if geometry["surfaces"]["aero_surfaces_flip"][counter]:
            flip_surfaces.append(f"FLIP V{entity_id:05d}" + "\n")

    commands.append("# =============== \n")
    # bodies
    for entity_id, body in enumerate(geometry["bodies"]):
        commands.append(f"BODY B{entity_id:05d} V{body[0]:05d} V{body[1]:05d}" + "\n")

    commands.append("# =============== \n")
    # SPC and load sets
    if fix_lines:
        for chunk in divide_chunks(fix_lines, max_entries_per_line):
                "SETA SPC l " + " ".join([f"L{line:05d}" for line in chunk]) + "\n"
    if loaded_lines:
        for chunk in divide_chunks(loaded_lines, max_entries_per_line):
                "SETA LAST l " + " ".join([f"L{line:05d}" for line in chunk]) + "\n"
    if loaded_surfaces:
        for chunk in divide_chunks(loaded_surfaces, max_entries_per_line):
                "SETA TOP s " + " ".join([f"V{id:05d}" for id in chunk]) + "\n"

    commands.append("# =============== \n")
    # surface meshes
    surfaces = geometry["surfaces"]["ribs"] + geometry["surfaces"]["aero"]
    for entity_id, _ in enumerate(surfaces):
        commands.append(f"MSHP V{entity_id:05d} s {cgx_ele_type:d} 0 1.000000e+00\n")

    # sets of surfaces
    if rib_ids:
        for chunk in divide_chunks(rib_ids, max_entries_per_line):
                "SETA RIBS s " + " ".join([f"V{id:05d}" for id in chunk]) + "\n"
    if aero_ids:
        for chunk in divide_chunks(aero_ids, max_entries_per_line):
                "SETA AERO s " + " ".join([f"V{id:05d}" for id in chunk]) + "\n"

    commands.append("# =============== \n")
    # body meshes
    if geometry["bodies"]:
        for entity_id, _ in enumerate(geometry["bodies"]):
            commands.append(f"MSHP B{entity_id:05d} b 4 0 1.000000e+00\n")

    commands.append("# =============== \n")
    # custom export statement
    commands.append("mesh all\n")
    commands.append(f"merg n all {merge_tol:6f} 'nolock'\n")
    commands.append("comp nodes d\n")
    if flip_surfaces:
        commands += flip_surfaces
    if fix_lines:
        commands.append("comp SPC d\n")
        commands.append(f"send SPC {solver} spc 123456\n")
    if loaded_lines:
        commands.append("comp LAST d\n")
        commands.append(f"send LAST {solver} names\n")
    if loaded_surfaces:
        commands.append("comp TOP d\n")
        commands.append(f"send TOP {solver} names\n")
    if rib_ids:
        commands.append("comp RIBS d\n")
        commands.append(f"send RIBS {solver} names\n")
    if aero_ids:
        commands.append("comp AERO d\n")
        commands.append(f"send AERO {solver} names\n")
    commands.append(f"send all {solver} \n")

    return commands
# NACA 0012 from http://airfoiltools.com/
  1.000000  0.001260
  0.999416  0.001342
  0.997666  0.001587
  0.994753  0.001994
  0.990685  0.002560
  0.985471  0.003280
  0.979123  0.004152
  0.971656  0.005169
  0.963087  0.006324
  0.953437  0.007611
  0.942728  0.009022
  0.930985  0.010549
  0.918235  0.012182
  0.904509  0.013914
  0.889837  0.015735
  0.874255  0.017635
  0.857800  0.019605
  0.840508  0.021635
  0.822421  0.023714
  0.803581  0.025834
  0.784032  0.027983
  0.763820  0.030152
  0.742992  0.032329
  0.721596  0.034506
  0.699682  0.036670
  0.677303  0.038811
  0.654509  0.040917
  0.631354  0.042978
  0.607892  0.044980
  0.584179  0.046912
  0.560268  0.048762
  0.536217  0.050516
  0.512082  0.052162
  0.487918  0.053687
  0.463783  0.055077
  0.439732  0.056320
  0.415822  0.057403
  0.392108  0.058314
  0.368646  0.059042
  0.345492  0.059575
  0.322698  0.059903
  0.300318  0.060017
  0.278404  0.059910
  0.257008  0.059576
  0.236180  0.059008
  0.215968  0.058205
  0.196419  0.057164
  0.177579  0.055886
  0.159492  0.054372
  0.142201  0.052625
  0.125745  0.050651
  0.110163  0.048457
  0.095492  0.046049
  0.081765  0.043437
  0.069015  0.040631
  0.057272  0.037641
  0.046563  0.034479
  0.036913  0.031156
  0.028344  0.027683
  0.020877  0.024071
  0.014529  0.020330
  0.009315  0.016471
  0.005247  0.012501
  0.002334  0.008429
  0.000584  0.004260
  0.000000  0.000000
  0.000584 -0.004260
  0.002334 -0.008429
  0.005247 -0.012501
  0.009315 -0.016471
  0.014529 -0.020330
  0.020877 -0.024071
  0.028344 -0.027683
  0.036913 -0.031156
  0.046563 -0.034479
  0.057272 -0.037641
  0.069015 -0.040631
  0.081765 -0.043437
  0.095492 -0.046049
  0.110163 -0.048457
  0.125745 -0.050651
  0.142201 -0.052625
  0.159492 -0.054372
  0.177579 -0.055886
  0.196419 -0.057164
  0.215968 -0.058205
  0.236180 -0.059008
  0.257008 -0.059576
  0.278404 -0.059910
  0.300318 -0.060017
  0.322698 -0.059903
  0.345492 -0.059575
  0.368646 -0.059042
  0.392108 -0.058314
  0.415822 -0.057403
  0.439732 -0.056320
  0.463783 -0.055077
  0.487918 -0.053687
  0.512082 -0.052162
  0.536217 -0.050516
  0.560268 -0.048762
  0.584179 -0.046912
  0.607892 -0.044980
  0.631354 -0.042978
  0.654509 -0.040917
  0.677303 -0.038811
  0.699682 -0.036670
  0.721596 -0.034506
  0.742992 -0.032329
  0.763820 -0.030152
  0.784032 -0.027983
  0.803581 -0.025834
  0.822421 -0.023714
  0.840508 -0.021635
  0.857800 -0.019605
  0.874255 -0.017635
  0.889837 -0.015735
  0.904509 -0.013914
  0.918235 -0.012182
  0.930985 -0.010549
  0.942728 -0.009022
  0.953437 -0.007611
  0.963087 -0.006324
  0.971656 -0.005169
  0.979123 -0.004152
  0.985471 -0.003280
  0.990685 -0.002560
  0.994753 -0.001994
  0.997666 -0.001587
  0.999416 -0.001342
  1.000000 -0.001260
    "span": 2.0,
    "chord": 0.2,
    "filled_sections_flags": false,
    "airfoil_csv_file": "naca0012.csv",
    "nele_foil": [
    "nele_span": 40,
    "node_merge_tol": 0.002,
    "cgx_ele_type": 10,
    "cgx_solver": "abq",
    "boundary_conditions": {
        "fix_lines": [
        "loaded_lines": [

3.1.2. Calculix-fea component#

This component first executes CalculiX GraphiX in batch mode on the .fdb file from the parametric-model component to generate the finite element model mesh file (all.msh). Then, the composite material shell section properties are generated in python and written to file (composite_shell.inp), before the finite element analysis (FEA) of the model is executed with CalculiX CrunchiX.

The component outputs the mesh node deflections at the tip of the wing (FEA output file ‘ccx_static_tip_shear.dat’), as well as the model mesh file and a node set definition file, which will be needed for post-processing of the FEA results in the next component.

Here we use an application-specific component API called ‘calculix-fea-comp’, which ensures Calculix is installed in the local compute environment. It also allows us to execute CalculiX from python, by importing the execute_cgx and execute_fea methods from the calculix module in the compute function. In all other respects, this API is identical to the generic python component API generic-python3-comp.

Create the component:

  • Right-click in the workspace and select Add Empty Node. Select the empty component to edit it.

  • In the Properties tab, fill in the component name, calculix-fea, and select the component API calculix-fea-comp:latest.

  • Copy the contents of the setup.py, compute.py, requirements.txt and ccx_static_tip_shear.inp files from below into a text editor, save them locally. Then upload the first 3 files under the Properties tab and upload the last one under the Parameters tab by selecting upload user input files.

  • Copy the contents of the parameters JSON object below into the Parameters tab text box.

  • Copy the following JSON object into the Inputs tab text box:

  "files.cgx_file": "default",
  "fibre_rotation_angle.ORI_0.1": 0
  • Copy the following JSON object into the Outputs tab text box:

  "files.analysis_output_file": "default",
  "files.mesh_file": "default",
  "files.nodeset_file": "default"
  • Select Save data to save and close the component.

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

def setup(
    inputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    outputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    parameters: dict = {
        "user_input_files": [],
        "inputs_folder_path": "",
        "outputs_folder_path": "",
) -> dict:
    """Editable setup function."""

    # declare default parameter inputs - overriden by connection data if available
    if "files.cgx_file" in parameters:
        inputs["implicit"]["files.cgx_file"] = parameters["files.cgx_file"]
        inputs["implicit"]["files.cgx_file"] = "default"

    fibre_rotation_angles = [
        key for key in inputs["design"] if key.startswith("fibre_rotation_angle")
    for angle in fibre_rotation_angles:
        # set to float
        inputs["design"][angle] = float(inputs["design"][angle])

    message = f"{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}: Setup completed."

    return {"message": message, "inputs": inputs}
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copy2

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from calculix import execute_cgx, execute_fea


def compute(
    inputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    outputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    partials: dict = {},
    options: dict = {},
    parameters: dict = {
        "user_input_files": [],
        "inputs_folder_path": "",
        "outputs_folder_path": "",
) -> dict:
    """Editable compute function."""

    # check input files have been uploaded
    inputs_folder = Path(parameters["inputs_folder_path"])
    if not (inputs_folder / inputs["implicit"]["files.cgx_file"]).is_file():
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"{inputs['implicit']['files.cgx_file']} param file connection needed from parametric-model component."
    if not (inputs_folder / parameters["analysis_file"]).is_file():
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"{parameters['analysis_file']} needs to be uploaded by the user."

    print("Starting user function evaluation.")

    run_folder = Path(parameters["outputs_folder_path"])
    # Generate the ccx input mesh with cgx
    infile = copy2(
        inputs_folder / inputs["implicit"]["files.cgx_file"],
        run_folder / inputs["implicit"]["files.cgx_file"],
    resp = execute_cgx(infile.name, run_folder=run_folder)
    with open(run_folder / "cgx.log", "w") as f:
    if not resp["returncode"] == 0:
        raise ChildProcessError(
            f'cgx returned non-zero exit status {resp["returncode"]}'

    # check output has been saved
    mesh_file_path = run_folder / parameters["mesh_file"]
    if not mesh_file_path.is_file():
        FileNotFoundError(f"{str(mesh_file_path)} is not a file.")
    print("Created CCX analysis mesh file with CGX.")

    # define composite material properties
    if "composite_layup" in parameters:
        fibre_rotation_angles = [
            key for key in inputs["design"] if key.startswith("fibre_rotation_angle")
        for angle in fibre_rotation_angles:
            # rotate a fibre direction in the orientations parameter
            tree = angle.split(".")
            id = tree[1]
            direction = tree[2]
            ori_index = [ori["id"] == id for ori in parameters["orientations"]].index(
            parameters["orientations"][ori_index][direction] = _rotate_vector(
                axis=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
                f"Orientation {id} direction {direction} set to {str(parameters['orientations'][ori_index][direction])}"

        get_composite_properties_input(parameters, run_folder)
        print("Created CCX composite properties file.")

    # run the FEM model analysis
    infile = copy2(
        inputs_folder / parameters["analysis_file"],
        run_folder / parameters["analysis_file"],
    resp = execute_fea(infile.stem, run_folder=run_folder)
    with open(run_folder / "ccx.log", "w") as f:
    if not resp["returncode"] == 0:
        raise ChildProcessError(
            f'ccx returned non-zero exit status {resp["returncode"]}'

    # check output has been saved
    outfile = run_folder / (infile.stem + ".dat")
    if not outfile.is_file():
        FileNotFoundError(f"{str(outfile)} is not a file.")
    print("Executed CCX FEM analysis.")

    # set outputs
    # outputs = {"output_files": [outfile.name]}
    message = f"{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}: Executed Calculix finite element analysis."

    outputs["implicit"]["files.analysis_output_file"] = outfile.name
    outputs["implicit"]["files.mesh_file"] = "all.msh"
    outputs["implicit"]["files.nodeset_file"] = "LAST.nam"

    # increase dummy variable to ensure the next component executes
    if "output_1" in outputs["design"]:
        outputs["design"]["output_1"] += 1

    return {"message": message, "outputs": outputs}

def get_composite_properties_input(inputs, run_folder):
    """write an FEA input file with the composite properties."""

    # check and update the element type in the mesh input file
    str_find = "*ELEMENT, TYPE=S8,"
    str_replace = "*ELEMENT, TYPE=S8R,"
        file=(run_folder / inputs["mesh_file"]),

    if "filled_sections_flags" in inputs and not isinstance(
        inputs["filled_sections_flags"], list
        inputs["filled_sections_flags"] = [inputs["filled_sections_flags"]]

    shell_set_name = inputs["shell_set_name"]
    if "filled_sections_flags" in inputs and any(inputs["filled_sections_flags"]):
        if not (
            isinstance(inputs["airfoil_cut_chord_percentages"], list)
            and len(inputs["airfoil_cut_chord_percentages"]) == 2
            raise ValueError(
                "if 'filled_sections_flags' is switched on, 'airfoil_cut_chord_percentages'"
                "should be a list of length 2."

        # create separate element sets for shells and solids
        str_find = "*ELEMENT, TYPE=S8R, ELSET=Eall"
        str_replace = "*ELEMENT, TYPE=S8R, ELSET=SURF"
            file=(run_folder / inputs["mesh_file"]),
        str_find = "*ELEMENT, TYPE=C3D20, ELSET=Eall"
        str_replace = "*ELEMENT, TYPE=C3D20, ELSET=CORE"
            file=(run_folder / inputs["mesh_file"]),

    # get input file cards for this solver
    ccx_commands = _get_ccx_composite_shell_props(

    # write string of commands to file
    with open(run_folder / inputs["composite_props_file"], "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

########### Private functions that do not get called directly

def _file_find_replace(file, find: str, replace_with: str):
    with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        contents = f.readlines()

    for index, line in enumerate(contents):
        if find in line:
            contents[index] = line.replace(find, replace_with)
            print(f"Find & Replace edited file '{file}' at line {index:d}.")

    with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

def _get_ccx_composite_shell_props(
    plies=None, orientations=None, layup=None, shell_set_name=None
    commands = []
    if not shell_set_name:
        shell_set_name = {"ribs": "ERIBS", "aero": "EAERO"}

    # orientation cards
    for ori in orientations:
            ", ".join("{0:.6f}".format(x) for x in [*ori["1"], *ori["2"]]) + "\n"

    commands.append("** =============== \n")
    # shell property
    for key, section_name in shell_set_name.items():
        commands.append(f"*SHELL SECTION,ELSET={section_name},COMPOSITE\n")
        for ply in layup[key]:
            props = [p for p in plies if p["id"] == ply][0]

    return commands

def _rotate_vector(angle, starting, axis):
    """Rotate a vector about an axis by an angle in degrees."""

    r = Rotation.from_rotvec(angle * np.array(axis), degrees=True)
    return r.apply(starting)
Model: Cantilevered composite box with tip shear
  "analysis_file": "ccx_static_tip_shear.inp",
  "mesh_file": "all.msh",
  "filled_sections_flags": false,
  "shell_set_name": {
    "aero": "Eall"
  "composite_plies": [
      "id": "p_0",
      "thickness": 0.0002,
      "material": "EL",
      "orientation": "ORI_0"
      "id": "p_90",
      "thickness": 0.0002,
      "material": "EL",
      "orientation": "ORI_90"
  "orientations": [
      "id": "ORI_0",
      "1": [
      "2": [
      "id": "ORI_90",
      "1": [
      "2": [
  "composite_layup": {
    "aero": [
  "composite_props_file": "composite_shell.inp"

3.1.3. Results processor component#

The last component in the execution chain reads the FEA analysis outputs at the mesh nodes at the tip of the wing and calculates average wing tip deflections and rotations. This data is output as a python dictionary with six entries: the 3 deflections (“U”) in global x, y and z, and the 3 rotations (“R”) about x, y, z.

Create the component:

  • Right-click in the workspace and select Add Empty Node. Select the empty component to edit it.

  • In the Properties tab, fill in the component name, fea-results-processor, and select the component API generic-python3-comp:latest.

  • Copy the contents of the setup.py, compute.py, requirements.txt files from below into a text editor, save them locally. Then upload them under the Properties tab.

  • In the Properties tab check the box next to the End Node option.

  • Copy the following JSON object into the Inputs tab text box:

  "files.analysis_output_file": "default",
  "files.mesh_file": "default",
  "files.nodeset_file": "default"
  • Copy the following JSON object into the Outputs tab text box:

    "Ux": "default",
    "Uy": "default",
    "Uz": "default",
    "Rx": "default",
    "Ry": "default",
    "Rz": "default"
  • Select Save data to save and close the component.


Remember to save the session data now by selecting Download from the interface controls.

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

def setup(
    inputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    outputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    parameters: dict = {
        "user_input_files": [],
        "inputs_folder_path": "",
        "outputs_folder_path": "",
) -> dict:
    """Editable setup function."""

    response = {}

    # set default inputs
    if inputs:
        for input_key, input_value in inputs["design"].items():
            if input_value == "default":
                    inputs["design"][input_key] = float(parameters[input_key])
                except Exception as e:
                    print(f"Could not find {input_key} in the input parameters.")
        response["inputs"] = inputs

    # initialise outputs - required for OpenMDAO
    if outputs:
        for output_key, output_value in outputs["design"].items():
            if output_value == "default":
                    outputs["design"][output_key] = float(parameters[output_key])
                except Exception as e:
                    print(f"Could not find {output_key} in the input parameters.")
        response["outputs"] = outputs

    # declare default parameter inputs - overriden by connection data if available
    if "files.analysis_output_file" in parameters:
        response["inputs"]["implicit"]["files.analysis_output_file"] = parameters[
        response["inputs"]["implicit"]["files.analysis_output_file"] = "default"

    if "files.mesh_file" in parameters:
        response["inputs"]["implicit"]["files.mesh_file"] = parameters[
        response["inputs"]["implicit"]["files.mesh_file"] = "default"

    if "files.nodeset_file" in parameters:
        response["inputs"]["implicit"]["files.nodeset_file"] = parameters[
        response["inputs"]["implicit"]["files.nodeset_file"] = "default"

    ] = f"{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}: Setup completed."

    return response
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

def compute(
    inputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    outputs: dict = {"design": {}, "implicit": {}, "setup": {}},
    partials: dict = {},
    options: dict = {},
    parameters: dict = {
        "user_input_files": [],
        "inputs_folder_path": "",
        "outputs_folder_path": "",
) -> dict:

    """Editable compute function."""

    datfile = inputs["implicit"]["files.analysis_output_file"]
    mesh_file = inputs["implicit"]["files.mesh_file"]
    node_set_file = inputs["implicit"]["files.nodeset_file"]

    # check input files have been uploaded
    inputs_folder = Path(parameters["inputs_folder_path"])
    for f in [datfile, mesh_file, node_set_file]:
        if not (inputs_folder / f).is_file():
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                f"{f} param file connection needed from calculix-fea component."

    print("Starting user function evaluation.")

    # recover the analysis results
    outputs["design"] = get_fea_outputs(
    message = f"{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}: Completed fea output processing: \n{str(outputs)}"

    return {"message": message, "outputs": outputs}

def get_fea_outputs(datfile, mesh_file, folder, node_set_file):
    """Recover the analysis outputs and process them for plotting."""

    # read file and recover node displacements
    output_file = folder / datfile
    # all_disp : [nodeid, vx, vy, vz]
    all_disps = _get_from_dat(output_file, data="displacements")

    # get node ids for displacement output > read from LAST.nam file
    node_ids = np.array(
        _get_from_inp(file=Path(folder, node_set_file), keyword="NSET,NSET="),

    # filter all_disp by node ids
    disp_filter = np.isin(all_disps[:, 0], node_ids)
    tip_disps = all_disps[disp_filter, :]

    # average the deflections
    v_mean = np.zeros((3))
    for disp in range(3):
        v_mean[disp] = np.average(tip_disps[:, disp + 1])

    # calculate the average rotations
    rotations_mean = _get_average_rotation(
        all_disps=tip_disps, mesh_file=folder / mesh_file

    outputs = {
        "Ux": v_mean[0],
        "Uy": v_mean[1],
        "Uz": v_mean[2],
        "Rx": rotations_mean[0],
        "Ry": rotations_mean[1],
        "Rz": rotations_mean[2],
    return outputs

########### Private functions that do not get called directly

def _get_from_dat(file, data: str = None):
    with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        contents = f.readlines()

    # extract data assuming this is the only output
    for index, line in enumerate(contents):
        if data in line:
            data_values = contents[index + 2 :]

    # parse data
    if data == "displacements":
        output = np.array(
                [float(val) for val in line.strip().split()]
                for line in data_values
                if line

    return output

def _get_from_inp(file, keyword: str = None):
    with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        contents = f.readlines()

    # extract data
    read_flag = False
    data = []
    for line in contents:
        if "*" in line and keyword in line:
            read_flag = True
        if not "**" in line and "*" in line and not keyword in line:
        if read_flag:

    return data

def _get_average_rotation(
    all_disps: np.ndarray = None,
    mesh_file: str = None,
    axes: tuple = (
        [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
    ),  # basic x, y, z axes
    # for each output node, recover the node undeformed mesh position
    # node_positions : [nodeid, x, y, z]
    node_positions = _get_nodes_from_inp(mesh_file, ref_nodes=all_disps[:, 0])

    origin_index = np.where(node_positions[:, 1] == 0.0)[0][0]  # LE
    # calculate the approximate rotation from each node
    rotations = _get_rot_from_disp(all_disps, node_positions, axes, origin_index)

    # average the rotation values
    rotations_mean = np.zeros((3))
    for rot in rotations:
        rotations_mean[rot] = np.average(rotations[rot])

    return rotations_mean

def _get_nodes_from_inp(file, ref_nodes=None):
    with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        contents = f.readlines()

    # find node definitions in the file
    start = None
    nodes = []
    for index, line in enumerate(contents):
        if "*NODE" in line:
            start = index + 1
        elif start and "*" in line:  # marks the next keyword
        elif start and index >= start:

    # parse to array
    nodes_vals = np.array(
        [[float(val) for val in line.strip().split(",")] for line in nodes if line],

    # filter reference nodes
    if any(ref_nodes):
        nodes_vals = np.array(
            [line for line in nodes_vals if any(line[0] == ref_nodes)], dtype=float

    return nodes_vals

def _get_rot_from_disp(all_disps, node_positions, axes, origin_index):
    """Return an array of rotations in radians. Using small deflection assumptions."""

    all_rots = {key: [] for key in range(len(axes))}
    origin_displacements = all_disps[origin_index, 1:]
    origin_location = node_positions[origin_index, 1:]
    # loop throught the nodes and y rotation axes
    for index, node in enumerate(node_positions):
        # vector from origin to node position
        v_op = node[1:] - origin_location
        if np.linalg.norm(v_op) > 0:  # skip the origin
            for col, axis in enumerate(axes):
                # calculate local rotation unit vector
                v_r = np.cross(axis, v_op)
                if np.linalg.norm(v_r) > 0.0:
                    v_r = v_r / np.linalg.norm(v_r)
                    d_vect = np.cross(v_r, axis)  # this should already be a unit vector
                    dist_from_axis = v_op @ d_vect / np.linalg.norm(d_vect)
                    # calculate local rotation at the centroid
                    rot = np.arctan(
                        ((all_disps[index, 1:] - origin_displacements) @ v_r)
                        / dist_from_axis
                        f"Skip point [{str(node)}] on the local rotation axis {str(axis)}."

    return all_rots

3.2. Create the Connections#

We can now connect the Components we created to ensure that outputs and inputs are passed between them as expected. A Connection is defined as a data link from a Component output handle to another Component input handle.

3.2.1. First connection#

Create a first connection by selecting the output handle of the parametric-model component and dragging a line to the ‘files.cgx_file’ input handle of the calculix-fea component. Hover the mouse pointer over a handle to see the name of the associated input or output data appear below the component.

By default, a new connection is a ‘Design variable’ type connection (black line), that is not valid for transferring files (see the dashboard Reference section for details).

Edit the Connection by selecting it in the workspace. In the Properties tab change the Connection Type option from the default ‘Design variable’ to the ‘Implicit variable or file’ option by selecting the corresponding radio button.

Select Save data to save the change and close the connection interface. Verify that the connection line colour has become green, which indicates an ‘implicit’ type data connection.


By default the connection label is set to the name of the associated output handle data. Indeed, there is no requirement for the input and output data names to match - so we could easily connect output ‘apples’ to input ‘oranges’ if we are not careful!

3.2.2. More connections#

In the same way, create 3 more connections between the calculix-fea component and the fea-results-processor component, linking the handles with matching data names.

Edit all 3 connections to modify them to ‘implicit’ type data connections, since we are again transferring files and not design variables.

Check that all 3 components have green tick marks appearing next to the component name to indicate that they are valid.

Save the session data now by selecting Download from the interface controls.


The four connection objects should appear under the ‘connections’ key in the session data file.

3.3. Execute the workflow#

We can now execute the chained component analysis Run by selecting the play symbol ▶ in the Run controls interface.

Once the run has started, each component will setup and then execute one at a time. The setup order is arbitrary, but the compute functions will always be executed from the ‘Start Node’ to the ‘End Node’ (see dashboard Reference section for details).

The Run should complete once the fea-results-component compute has completed.

3.4. Inspect the outputs#

The Run log summarises the output of the components. Open the log by selecting View Log in the interface controls.

Scroll down to the “run_output” section to see that this contains the compute function output messages from all three components in the order of execution as shown below. The last message contains the wing tip deflection and rotation data as expected.

Also inspect the Log tab of all 3 components and download the file snapshots to view the input, connection and output files of all components.

Save the session data and the Run log now by selecting Download from the interface controls.


The ‘connections’ folder that appears in the ‘files snapshot’ zip folder contains any incoming connection files. This is to differentiate them from parametric and API input files in the user file storage system, where these files exist as symbolic links to the upstream component file to improve efficiency. However, the connection files are copied into the parameters["inputs_folder_path"] before the compute function starts.

run log

3.5. Clean-up#

Delete your session by selecting New in the interface. It may take a minute or so for the Cloud session to be reset.


You should see a warning message whenever you are about to delete a Run. If you select to continue, then all the Run session data (Run log and component logs) will be permanently deleted.

3.6. References#

  1. Parametric FEM model creation with Python and CalculiX GraphiX (cgx)

  2. Automated FEM analysis and output processing with Python and CalculiX CrunchiX (ccx)